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Hygiene Protection Policy

Privacy, Safety, Austere Cleanliness measures – Brand new facilities & amenities.

Due to the outbreak of Covid-19, we assure you that we boost our hygiene standards following all the measures and guidance from the Greek Ministry of Health, the Greek Ministry of Civil Protection, the European instructions, and the World Health Organization.
We are vigilantly monitoring the COVID-19 situation around the clock and keep updated to all the guidelines available at the utmost level.
Greece and Mykonos controls and faces successfully and very accurately the COVID-19 and this is acknowledged by worldwide known mass media.

Mykonos Earth is a totally safe hotel destination due to the following important facts:

  • it is a brand-new property
  • It is composed of only 15 private and independent Suites, each one with its own private veranda/terrace
  • all materials are completely brand new; linens / furniture / mattresses / utensils, etc..
  • guests can have their a-la-carte breakfast in privacy in their own veranda or room as a room service
  • guests can have their meal or drink in privacy in their own veranda or room as a room service
  • all car or mini-van transfers are private
  • antiseptic and disinfectant wipes and liquids are offered in the rooms
  • doctor-on call
  • healthy food and beverages choices that boost the immune system
  • HACCP & ISO are implemented
We follow the strictest protocols of hygiene and cleanliness in:
  • the cleaning process of rooms and private areas of the hotel,
  • washing and drying clothes, linens, kitchen and restaurant equipment
  • food preparation, drinks preparation
  • food and drinks storage
  • food and drinks service
  • staff personal and professional hygiene
For rooms reservations:
  • You can select our flexible payment & cancellation policy
  • Take advantage from our special offers and the Flexible cancellation policies
  • Flexible Payment terms
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